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Working the Bachelorette Party

When my wife Karen found out that one of her coworkers was getting married, there was no doubt that Karen wanted to throw her a bachelorette party. Jennifer was 23 and gorgeous. She had a willowy, slender body with an incredibly tight ass, perky boobs and long brown hair. I had only met her once but she seemed rather shy and innocent.

Jennifer would be getting together with her college friends in another state, but my wife wanted to throw her something special amongst their female coworkers. When pressed, Jennifer told my wife that she wanted to do something wild before settling down but was worried about what the other women would think. She also thought hiring a male stripper seemed kind of "icky."

"I've got an idea for something wild," Karen told Jennifer. "It wouldn't involve strippers but it could involve some guys I know getting naked for us."

Jennifer was intrigued and asked for more details but my wife told Jennifer to leave the planning up to her. If anyone asked, Jennifer would know nothing about it and wouldn't have to feel embarrassed about whatever my wife had in store.

"I do have to know that you'll support me on this," Karen said. "You can play innocent and all that but I'll need you to go along with things when the party comes. I'd like to have at least one person there with an open mind."

Jennifer agreed she would support my wife and play along with whatever party ideas she came up with.

Karen was very selective in those she invited and told them that if they had a problem with male nudity they should stay home. When anyone asked Jennifer for details, she would just innocently shrug and say she had no idea what Karen was planning.

I had no knowledge of any of this beforehand. All I knew at the time was that my friends Jerry, Ted and I had been lured into "working" the party by my wife Karen and her sultry ways. Her friend Audrey had come to town help out. Karen is a brunette with long hair and a slim, tight body. Audrey is another dark-haired beauty with an amazing rack.

The party was to be at our house. There were about a dozen women coming, most of them from Karen's work, which made me kind of nervous as to what would transpire-especially when Karen told us guys that she would provide our clothes for the evening.

When Jerry and Ted arrived, Karen and Audrey presented us with our uniforms-tear away shirts and pants complete with cotton g-strings. At first Jerry and Ted asked if this was a joke, but I knew it wasn't. They tried protesting but it was of no use.

"Look, you already agreed to this," Karen said. "You didn't raise any objections when you were fucking my brains out. This is what you're wearing and that's all there is to it."

I stripped and put on the g-string. It barely covered my equipment and I knew that would get even worse when I hard. The base of my shaft was clearly visible and my pubic hair curled out over the top. Jerry and Ted tried to get an idea from me of what was going to happen but I honestly didn't know.

The guests had no idea what to expect. Karen told us they knew there would be some guys working the party but that was all. Right before the guests arrived, Karen had each of us guys take a Viagra.

Jerry was working the door and Ted was taking the ladies coats when the party started. I was manning the bar when the first group arrived and all of them were from Karen's work.

They were surprised to find me there and we were all a little nervous as I poured their drinks. I wasn't sure what would happen that night but it was pretty obvious these women would be seeing me naked. I figured some of them were probably drawing the same conclusion.

There wasn't a bad looker in the group and they were all well dressed, a few of them in miniskirts. I was surprised when Karen's boss entered the room. Vicky is an older woman, about 40, with blond hair and a nice body. I never really felt comfortable around her, nervous that I might say something stupid or worse-get caught checking her out.

The guest of honor arrived last with a small suitcase and I realized she would be spending the night. Her tight dress did a nice job of showing off her figure.

After everyone had a few drinks in them, Karen asked for everyone's attention. She welcomed everyone and had Ted, Jerry and I come to the front of the room so she could introduce us.

"As you know, Mark is my husband but I don't mind him serving you tonight, just be nice because he is my husband," Karen said. "In any case, let's get this party started."

With that, Karen got behind me and ripped of my shirt, followed by my pants. I was totally naked except for the g-string. A few of the women seemed surprised, looking at each other for a reaction. Some of them cheered or whistled, especially Audrey. My face flushed with embarrassment. Jennifer was a little startled at first but also smiled and cheered.

Karen then removed Ted and Jerry's clothing. There were a few gasps when they saw how well hung Jerry was, even though none of us guys were really sporting wood yet.

"Well Jennifer, would you care to inspect your servants for the night?" Karen asked.

Jennifer blushed as Karen pulled her from the couch and led her to us. Jennifer's eyes were glued to our crotches and she was so nervous she couldn't look us in the face. Karen whispered something in to Jennifer's ear, grabbed her hand and placed it on my dick.

Audrey started chanting "make them hard, make them hard" and the others joined in. This gave encouragement to Jennifer and she started lightly stroking my dick through the g-string.

Despite my embarrassment I was also really turned on and started getting hard. The Viagra was probably kicking in now as well. My dick swelled against the g-string, pushing it further away from my body and exposing more of my shaft. The tip of my dick was outlined by the thin fabric.

Jennifer then stroked Ted and Jerry to their full hardness. Audrey approached grabbed Jerry's dick through his g-string.

"You guys have gotta get a closer look at this," Audrey said.

More of the ladies gathered around Jerry. A few of them were also grabbing his dick through the fabric and caressing him.

I wasn't left alone for long as Audrey suggested that Ted and I get the same treatment. Karen gave everyone the go-ahead, saying I was there to serve them all. Most of the women held back but a few of them started stroking me.

Karen had us guys serve a few more rounds of drinks and some appetizers. As we were doing this, she and Audrey circulated among the guests, encouraging the ladies to stroke each dick and keep us guys hard. By now I was rock hard and my dick was pushing the g-string away from my body. Anyone looking down got a clear view of the base of my shaft.

As I was pouring wine I noticed that some of the women avoided looking me in the face, but all of them were checking out my equipment. A few of them would caress my balls through the fabric or run a finger down my g-string, lightly stroking my dick.

This went on for some time and the ladies were all getting a good buzz going when Karen put on some music and had Jennifer take a seat in the middle of the room. It was time for us guys to dance. I'm not much of a dancer but I started dancing anyway, swinging my dick and balls to and fro.

We surrounded Jennifer as the ladies started to cheer. As embarrassed as I was to be almost naked in front of my wife's coworkers I had to admit it was also a major turn on. I grabbed Jennifer's hand and placed it on my dick, prompting her to give me a few light strokes through the g-string. She did the same to Jerry and Ted.

We then started dancing around the living room and I approached each of the ladies, waving my package in their faces. I made sure each of them got a good close look at my barely-covered dick and balls, especially the shy ones.

Some of them seemed really embarrassed, which for some reason turned me on even more. With encouragement from my wife and the other guests, most of the ladies caressed me through the g-string.

The women really started to loosen up and they seemed to delight in the effect they were having on us guys. Each time a woman grabbed my cock or caressed my balls I found myself barely able to move and just stood there moaning with pleasure until she released me so I could go back to shaking my thing for them.

I got more than a few complements on how good I looked in my little costume, which gave me confidence and turned me on even more. Some of the women lamented that their husband or boyfriend would never go along with something like this. One woman suggested I should wear the g-string to their office Christmas party.

A few of the women wrapped a hand fully around my cock to give it a squeeze and I wondered if they were enjoying this as much as I was. When Vicky briefly put her hand into my g-string to grab the base of my shaft, I thought I was in heaven.

Everyone sighed when the music ended, including me. As embarrassed as I was I was really enjoying this. Karen had Jerry, Ted and I gather in front of everyone. She produced a bowl full of slips of paper with everyone's names on them and had Jerry, Ted and I each draw one.

I went first and the attractive young lady whose name I drew was invited to come remove my g-string. Egged on by the other women, she tugged on my g-string and my dick sprang free, drawing cheers from the women. She lightly tickled my balls and gave my dick a few strokes.

Audrey started chanting, telling this woman to suck me off, but she refused and went back to her seat. Ted went next and his bare dick also got a few strokes from the young blonde whose name he drew.

Jerry drew Vicki's name and she seemed a little tipsy as she lunged for his g-string. The ladies really went crazy when his giant pecker was finally released. Vicki dropped to her knees and ran her tongue quickly over Jerry's shaft. She then plunged his dick deep into her throat and back out again, drawing cheers and a few gasps from the other women.

Karen then brought out three tall glasses full of ice water, saying that Jerry, Ted and I needed to cool down. I went first, plunging my hard dick into the freezing water. A few of the women laughed and some of them cheered as my body shuddered and my face grimaced. After Ted and Jerry got the same treatment, the ladies all adjourned to the dining room and the guys and I served dinner.

Most of the women were pretty drunk at this point. Sitting around that table the ladies started egging each other on, and our dicks received increasing amount of attention. At the very least, each one of them would give us a stroke or caress our balls. Some of them would tease us with their lips or tongues. A few would even throat us once or twice.

As Jerry, Ted and I waited in the kitchen between courses, I knew I couldn't take much more of this without shooting my load.

The voices from the dining room suddenly grew fainter but I could tell Audrey was talking. I heard Jennifer reply positively to whatever Audrey was saying and a few more voices joined in. Jerry, Ted and I were summoned into the dining room.

"Guys, we figure you probably need some relief right about now," Audrey said. "Are you ready to come for us?"

Jerry and Ted looked at me for clues but I knew I was desperate to get my rocks off and said so.

The women led us into the kitchen and had me sit on the table as they gathered around. As embarrassed as I was at the thought of jacking off in front of my wife's boss and coworkers, I was also dying for release. I started stroking away, slowly at first but eventually increasing my momentum.

I also took in the scene of these lovely women all watching me, their eyes glued to my cock. Some of them seemed unable or unwilling to meet my gaze and, for some reason, that turned me on even more. Even though I was at their mercy, at that point I felt totally in control.

When I came, it felt like gallons of come erupted from my cock as I shot my load and let it fall to the kitchen floor. The women whistled, cheered and applauded. Karen was beaming with pride and I felt like a king-although not for long as they had me wipe my come off the kitchen floor with some paper towels.

Ted went next followed by Jerry, while I was in the living room recovering. The ladies let us rest as they cleared the dining room table. A few of the ladies decided to leave. Even though they were probably the most timid among the group, they gave each of us guys a warm hug before leaving, along with a few strokes of our dicks.

Then Audrey announced that the real games would begin. She produced a set of ring toss rings and we all knew what that was about. Each woman would get three rings and would get a chance to throw them onto each man's cock. For each successful throw, the woman would get to make that many strokes on the guy's dick.

Before we began, Audrey had Jennifer make sure we were good and hard by stroking us a few times. A few of the women seemed to miss on purpose but most of them landed at least one ring onto to my cock, which then received a couple of strokes.

Many of them made more strokes than they had actually won but I didn't complain. Jennifer landed three rings onto my cock, then gave me at least five strokes. For a woman who seemed so shy, she was certainly getting bolder. She was also pretty drunk.

Someone was keeping score and a young redhead was declared the winner. Karen then got out my old fraternity paddle and invited this woman to give five swats each to us guys. I went first and they had me get on all fours on top of a large ottoman so everyone could have a good view.

I was surprised at how hard this young woman could swing. The ladies counted each swing, cheering each time the paddle connected with my ass. One of them told the others to watch how much my dick and balls would shake when I was hit.

After the paddling, Karen handed each of us guys a roll of lifesavers and had us stand in the middle of the living room so everyone could watch.

Audrey went first to show everyone how this was done. She licked a lifesaver, put it at the base of Jerry's shaft, then took his full-length into her throat and took the candy into her mouth. Jerry sighed heavily as the women cheered.

Karen went next and did the same thing to Ted. I was thrilled when I realized that Jennifer and I were up next. Not only did she place the lifesaver at the base of my shaft, but she really got into it and throated me a couple of times before releasing me from her mouth, drawing cheers from the group.

Not all of the women were as bold. Some of them simply placed the lifesaver on the guy's dick then grabbed the candy with their teeth, to the sounds of boos from the other women.

The little redhead placed her lifesaver at the tip of my dick, then removed it by swirling her tongue around my cockhead a couple of times and sucking it into her mouth.

Vicki, who was now pretty drunk, made serious work on Ted's dick. After retrieving her lifesaver, she throated him a couple of times as everyone cheered. I didn't think any of us guys could take much more.

Karen then placed three chairs front and center and had Jerry, Ted and I take a seat. She handed each of us a paper cup. Each woman would go in turns and have 10 seconds to see if they could make one of us come.

They had Jennifer should go first as the guest of honor, although she acted reluctant and waited for them to talk her into it.

Jennifer approached me, dropped to her knees, winked at me and took my full length into her throat. The ladies cheered and I gasped. Jennifer furiously worked my dick with her mouth, sucking hard and throating me. She swirled her tongue around my cockhead, before sliding her lips all the way down my shaft again. I was on the verge of coming when Karen called time.

The women all drew numbers and a hot blonde went next. As much as she tried, she just couldn't get all of Jerry's dick into her throat. Jerry didn't seem to mind and he placed his hands on her shoulders. He was mighty disappointed when their time was up.

Karen went next and as many eyes were on me as were on her as she sucked on Ted's cock. Watching my wife blow another man turned me on even more. Ted's body started to convulse but he didn't come.

Vicki went next and sucked on my dick like a pro. In no time I was grabbing her shoulders and shooting my load down her throat as my body shook. She swallowed every drop and proceeded to milk me dry with her mouth as the women cheered.

The woman to draw Jerry's name gave him a handjob and collected his come in the paper cup he was holding. Another woman blew Ted but wouldn't swallow his load, opting instead for the paper cup.

Audrey suggested we call it a night and everyone agreed. Jerry, Ted and I stood there naked by the front door to say goodnight to the women. Each of them gave us a warm hug and a peck on the cheek. Most of them gave our dicks a few last strokes.

"Mark, you never looked better," Vicki said as she looked me up and down. "You ought to dress like this more often."

As Karen closed the door, the guys, Karen and Jennifer and I were the only ones left. Karen grabbed Jennifer by the hand and led her into the living room.

"OK honey, your ass is ours," Karen declared.

Jennifer was startled by this.

"You wanted a wild time?" Karen said. "Well you've got it. That party was just the appetizer. You're the main course."

Even though Jennifer was pretty drunk, she blushed and didn't know what to say. Audrey started unzipping Jennifer's dress from the back but Jennifer started to protest.

"Look honey, my husband and his friends put themselves on display for everyone," Karen said. "The least you can do is let them have a look."

Jennifer seemed to be in a daze as Audrey removed her dress. Audrey then removed Jennifer's panties as Karen removed her bra and we all had a good look at this heavenly creature. She was breathing pretty heavily, making her perky breasts heave up and down. My eyes traveled from there down to her tight ass and the pubic landing strip between her legs.

Karen ran a finger down Jennifer's body and between her legs. Jennifer gasped as Karen reached her pussy.

"Jennifer you're dripping wet," Karen said. "I'd say you need some attention."

Karen pulled Jennifer in and started kissing her while reaching for her pussy. Jennifer closed her eyes at first and didn't respond to Karen's kisses but was clearly enjoying Karen's handiwork down below.

Then Karen wrapped her arms around Jennifer and kissed her passionately. Jennifer started to respond and soon their hands were all over each other. They took turns playing with and sucking on each others' breasts before Karen pulled Jennifer down to the floor and buried her face between Jennifer's legs.

In no time, Jennifer was moaning wildly and clearly enjoying herself. Audrey got undressed and straddled Jennifer's face.

Ted couldn't wait any longer and started fucking Karen from behind. Jerry stood in front of Audrey and offered her his dick, which she took into her mouth.

It wasn't long before all of them came. I went to Jennifer, who was panting heavily, and got her on all fours so I could fuck her doggystyle as everyone watched.

I noticed the others had gathered on the couch and Karen and Audrey were stroking Jerry and Ted's dicks. After I came, Ted and Jerry joined Jennifer on the floor. Jerry slowly eased his giant dick into Jennifer and she gasped as her pussy enveloped him. Ted knelt in front of her so she could blow him.

I sat on the couch with Karen and Audrey, both of them working my dick with their hands and the Viagra was still working its magic. I was getting sore but didn't complain.

After Ted and Jerry came, we all sat on the couch and decided to make Jennifer our plaything for a while. We passed her from person-to-person, playing with her breasts and sucking on them while we fingered her pussy. She responded by stroking us as well.

Then Jennifer, Karen and Audrey got on the floor in a three-way, licking each other's pussies and playing with each other's breasts. Jennifer then mounted me on the couch and rode my cock while I feasted on her perky breasts. Karen rode Jerry and Audrey fucked Ted.

After that, we all went to sleep.

Karen told me that Jennifer was pretty embarrassed at work on Monday, but relieved when no one brought up the party, apart from a few knowing looks or a wink here and there.

I heard Jennifer had another bachelorette party with her college friends, but she told my wife it wasn't nearly as fun.

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