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Working Extra Time 1

I am a young professional working for a multinational company in Istanbul. At my 25, I am quite new in my career and still a junior employee in the human resources department. I am 5'13" tall, 160 lbs and physically in good shape.

I have been playing tennis and exercising continuously since I was a high school student and this is why I am always fit and can attract women of all ages.

I am usually appreciated by my manager who is at his 37, a handsome guy with some overweight accumulated around his belly, recently. He is a very good person and a manager who is one of the best at his subject.

He is a little shorter than me but always dressed in an elegant way and attractive enough for the ladies in the office at least.

It was mid December last year and we were very busy with all the reporting and budgeting activities.

I was really tired of working extra time till 11 p.m. each night for almost 2 weeks and it was Thursday evening when I was told that we also had to work the day after. For Friday night I was planning to dine out with my girlfriend and it was the worst news I could hear after such an exhausting 2 weeks. For the first time in my 1.5 year career I was getting really angry with my manager especially after hearing that I was the only selected victim in the department.

He called me in his office and asked me to close the door. I sat down in a way to show him how frustrated I was. He told me that I was the only one he trusted for the work to be conducted that day and that it had to be done when there was nobody else around. He also asked me to keep everything I was going to see and do as a lifetime secret.

Being in the HR department of a company that employ nearly 900 people, I was aware of the confidentiality fact but this time his insistence and trust made me feel more important and thus took my anger.

After all, I had the Saturday for my gf and the following weeks would not be as busy as the previous ones. And it was worth to work few more hour for my career.

He told me that he wanted to be away from the office environment and that it would be better to meet him at his home to use his study room. Feeling uncomfortable, I told him that I didn't want to bother his family on a Friday night, but he said it would be OK for the family because his wife and 2 kids were also complaining about his absence for 2 weeks. So he wanted me to meet him at 8 p.m. with my laptop at his home.

It was few minutes after 8 when I rang his door with my laptop and 2 big pieces of chocolates for the 2 kids.

He opened the door himself and invited me in. It was a very big apartment furnished in an elegant way that showed his style. He took the chocolates and told me that the children were visiting their grant parents together with their mom, and would stay the night there. So he was going to give them the gifts the day after.

His wife was a very beautiful woman as I remembered from the last year's company dinner where all the employees attended with their spouses. She was around his age (35-37), in proper make up and in a very elegant dress that revealed her nice curves.

He asked if I wanted to wash my hands before starting.

I said yes, and he showed me the way to the bathroom. When I entered, to my surprise the first thing I saw was a couple of white women underwear on the washing machine.

After I close the door, I could not help myself touching them though I knew I shouldn't do it. I first took the lacy panty, which was a very small one. I instinctively brought it to my nose, I could smell that wonderful womanly fragrance with great pleasure, then I kept it stretched in my thumbs and tried to dream my manager's lady inside her small panty. It looked too small that I could easily think it belonged to a teenager if their daughter were a teenager. I tried to imagine how her pubic hair and ass would be seen behind the semi-transparent lace. The lacy bottom was so small that it probably couldn't hide the entire pubic hair and her hair would stay out of the panty especially from the sides and the top.

Suddenly I felt guilty for what I was doing with a piece of underwear that belonged to my manager's lady, when they were hosting me in their house. Just when I left it I could not stop myself and took the white lacy bra this time. I remembered that she had full breasts and had a quick look at the bra's label to see its size. Although I did not know much about bra sizes, I understood that the D size confirmed their big size whereas 34 in front of the "D" spoke for the small body size. It raised my excitement to see the contrast between her rather small chest and big cups on top of it. Bra had quite large shoulder straps and a wide side. Actually it was not a very sexy bra because of those very wide styling, but knowing that it was just worn by my boss' wife, I got very excited. Then I unconsciously unzipped my pants, dropped my boxer short and started to jerk off, smelling her small white panties while imagining her mature round ass in that small piece of lace.

I squirted in the toilet in a very short time. I left the panty on the machine again, washed my semi erect cock (which is told to be too big by both of my girlfriends I have slept with till now - almost 8" ), and left the bathroom. I had the guilty feeling as if he knew what I did inside.

When I went back to the living room, I saw him sitting at the study desk, in front of the computer. I was a little nervous for what I did inside few minutes ago. He also made the second chair available there, and I opened my laptop next to his computer and sat down.

We started to study together, but I didn't really understand why his computer was on, since all the work was in mine and we worked on my laptop.

After a quarter, he asked my permission to go to the toilet and said:

"Kenan, I'll be back in 15 minutes and I kindly ask you not to look at the documents menu in my computer!"

As everybody knows, there you can find the history of the files he opened recently. I first thought that he had something related with the job that he did not want me to see, then I remembered 2 things: first, there could be nothing more confidential about job than what I was exposed to; and second, all of the job was in his laptop, not in the home computer.

These two facts together with the temptation in his voice triggered my curiosity and for the second time that evening I decided to do what I shouldn't.

I clicked on the start menu, and I moved my mouse towards the documents menu. I was as excited as a teenager who was into his first experience when a new window appeared next to the documents menu. There were all the recent files that he worked, in front of me.

I started to scan the files from the top with my eyes. The first half were all ordinary file names that did not take my attention. Towards the end of the list of 15 files, I suddenly saw a jpg. file named "Fatma01-aug01".

It was clear that it was a picture of Fatma, his wife. I immediately clicked it twice to open. What opened was a very high resolution full screen picture of his beautiful wife dressed in a very provocative way.

She had reddish brown hair, green eyes, she was about 5'7" tall and was wearing a very tight white t-shirt and a tight, very short black skirt to show her womanly figure.

She was standing and posing to the camera with her hands on her waist, smiling.

What immediately took my attention were her full breasts, that looked like they had a great fight against the white cotton t-shirt to tear it and pop out free. And they were hardly stopped by the poor bra and the cotton cloth. They really looked like two big rockets under her t-shirt and I wished to have the luck to see her dressed like that at least once in my lifetime. Her breasts were really big and looked very big compared to her thin body.

Her skirt was at least one foot above her knees, and her beautiful, shapely and yet thin legs were exposed in a very teasing way. Her suntan legs were complemented with the high heel sandals worn by her beautiful feet with red nails.

Her waist was very thin although she was mother of 2 at her late thirties, and that made a perfect hour-glass shape in contrast with her rockets at the top and rounded full hips at the bottom.

I was so excited that I even forgot where I was and what I was supposed to do, when I heard his voice behind me saying

"Did you like what you saw?"

As you can imagine, that was the most embarrassing moment in my life. Within the first few seconds, I had hundreds of different thoughts passing through my mind, but I couldn't find the right words to speak. "Sorry" would be so funny in that situation, and "mistake" would be so stupid. After all, you cannot find a private file in somebody else's computer by mistake.

Seconds past with a killing silence, and my paralysis made me such a stupid that I even could not close the file. Her picture was still open in the speechless and motionless room.

Finally his confident voice tore the silence again: "I said did you like her?"

Seconds later I started to understand that his voice was showing me his state of wonder rather than his anger.

He repeated again: "come on Kenan, I am asking you a question to be answered as a modern civilized young man"

I could hardly start speaking almost a minute later maybe. "Yes sir, I liked your wife, she is a very nice and a noble lady."

"Is that all that you can say about her?"

I was in a state of paralysis again. I said "yes sir what else can I say for your elegant wife, besides I have always received a very kind approach from her whenever I met you two together"

Then he said "yes young man, you are right, you cannot make any other comments for her before seeing more of her"

I was shocked again, but this time I was aware of something starting that would be very strange and exciting. I decided to keep my silence to let him continue.

But I realized that he was not also very confident and determined to continue freely. This fact also proved that my strange feeling was true.

I had to encourage him and asked "what do you mean by that sir?"

He continued "well, you have to see more of her to make more comments about her, but why should a young man be interested to see a 37 y.o. lady anyway?"

I had to say "what do you mean more of her, sir?"

"I mean not only the beauty that is seen by everybody, but her hidden beauties as well"

With this last sentence, the wall between us was broken and I was definitely sure about the direction of our talk. The only thing I wasn't sure was where it was going to end.

I was now more determined in my approach, yet being very polite and said "I have always thought that the women of that age are the best of their kind sir. No teenager can be even comparable with a lady in her late thirties especially if she takes good care of herself (that described his wife)"

Of course I was very excited with the idea of his wife especially after seeing her lingerie, her sexy photo on the screen few minutes ago, by the very provocative thought of her being my manager's wife, and finally her beauty. But in fact a pretty teenager is still much more attractive to me than a woman at 37, no matter how beautiful she was.

He replied "so you want to see more of my wife, don't you?"

I said "sure sir"

"Then" he said, "you have to promise me to keep everything you will see tonight exclusively for yourself for good, and never imply anything about tonight even to me, after all even Fatma does not know anything about her pictures revealed to you"

I approved him immediately knowing that my trustworthiness brought me to his home that night. He really knew that I was a perfect secret keeper and he was right.

Then he asked me to sit down in front of the screen and be ready for the best slide show of my life.

My excitement was at its top. He opened a new folder and then selected a new file in the folder. Then clicked on the jpg file to open.

The picture was the continuity of the first one, her already short skirt was slid up to reveal even more of her beautiful legs, her t-shirt was off but she was holding it over her chest and showing her beautiful suntan shoulders, and her right leg was folded up like a hooker, showing her pretty foot more.

He asked me "how is she?"

"Perfect sir, I cannot find the words to express my emotion right now"

"I want to keep it slow to allow you enough time with each photo"

My cock was growing slowly and I was breathing very heavily.

Then he sent that file back and opened the next.

The next photo showed her without the t-shirt. She had her white bra on her that I saw in the bathroom. The bra had a very large side fabric and shoulder straps, and the cups were not small either. But a very long cleavage was still seen.

Her tits were really very large and she definitely needed that kind of a bra to keep them under control. She had a smooth tummy accompanied by a thin waist, and her now naked belly button was very nice. Her provocative smile was another thing to make me really hard.

He asked me how she was again, and I replied:

"She is really perfect sir, you are really gifted to have such a wife, how can she keep so fit after 2 births?"

"She regularly exercises, what attracted you especially?"

"Well I must confess that her breasts are very pretty and especially the cleavage would drive any men crazy when seen down blouse"

"She has a 34D size which is very womanly, and I bet that you already checked her bra size in the bathroom"

"Well, yes sir I couldn't help myself to touch when I saw it there. How does she keep those big breasts firm like this"

He said "Partly by the help of her bra, it is not very possible to keep tits of this size firm and perky as they were at 20, especially after having 2 kids. But I like tits of this type more than any other"

At this moment I realized that there was a growing bulb at his crotch like mine.

He opened another file.

This time she was standing without her skirt, and legs opened wide, her high heel sandals looked great in this position.

Just as I expected, she had her white small panty that was shown to me in the bathroom. The picture was still taken from a distance to take her full body. Her hips were large(not too much) compared to her thin waist. She was a perfect hour glass shape. And her panty was really very small, making an interesting contrast with her big bra. I couldn't see much through the sheer lacy fabric from that distance.

He asked me my opinion again and I said "sir, her hips are really perfect and that small piece of cloth makes it even more sexy together with the large bra trying to cover her tit flesh though not 100% successful"

He said "well, thank you Kenan, you are becoming to be more open and detailed in your comments and that is what I exactly want. Please don't be shy here tonight, and tell me everything you really feel."

I said "The best thing that can tell you how I really feel is my crotch sir, and I can see that you are also at the same situation. If you are still hard after these many years with her, please try to imagine my situation."

He approved me and told that he was sorry about me.

I watched again how curvy and womanly her body was, a perfect suntan, big tits, a long cleavage, smooth tummy, thin waist, rounded hips that gave 2 births, long and shapely legs.

I was dying to see more of her now and begged him to show me more.

He told me to take off my trousers and underwear if I needed to. This was what I desperately needed but not easy to do in front of my manager.

He asked me to do it together, because it was difficult to keep our erected cocks and blue balls inside.

We did it simultaneously, and I was surprised to see that he had a very small cock especially compared to my 8".

He said "wow, Kenan I didn't know that you had such a giant in front of you, how long is it?, mine is 5" erected"

I told him my size and we both started to rub our cocks slowly.

At this moment I thought that it was a dream to play with my penis while my manager was doing the same thing, and moreover looking at the pics of his wife.

He told me that he wanted me to ask him any questions about his wife before going on with the next pic.

I saw that it was also his turn on to do this, and decided not to be shy to give him what he wanted.

"Did you ever share her with somebody, sir?" He said he didn't because she was not ready for this although the idea was very hot for her too. But dreaming this was their greatest fantasy.

"Are you her first man, sir?" He said that she had few boyfriends but she was a virgin when they were married.

And added "I love her too much and would definitely like to give her a cock as big as yours, because I think that she deserves the chance to taste not only my small cock, but a big one also at least for one time in her life"

My blood pressure was increasing and my precum was oozing at the tip of my cock.

Then he opened the next file.

In this file her bra was dropped from her shoulders but still on her chest, held by her both hands on her large tits. She was not only holding the bra, but also pushing it towards her tits and up.

It was obvious that she wanted to keep her tits up in this picture.

Actually my favorite tits are medium sized ones. I don't like very small ones but I don't like too big ones like hers either. And that picture showed the reason very well: As he said it was impossible to keep this size perky, through natural ways.

But surprisingly my excitement was increasing more and more by the look of her soft and big tits.

I told him that his wife had incredibly sexy big tits, and he was pleased with this comment.

I stopped playing with my cock, because I was afraid of coming.

He asked me to be ready to see the tit flesh and opened the next file.

In this one, she was holding her hands up, behind her head and I saw her entire tit flesh.

She was also trying to show her tits as perky as possible by doing so, but her big tits were saggy.

She had rounded tits and light brown aureole which was large in diameter but average size compared to the size of the entire tit. Fortunately her nipples were my favorite type, medium sized, and more important they were still pointing directly to the camera, not to the floor.

Her left tit was slightly bigger than her right, and this inequality did not even turn me off.

They were bigger than her chest because I could see how they enlarged her silhouette from both sides.

I told him "Sir, tonight my perception of women breasts changed completely. Until now, I did not know that mature and saggy tits are so sexy and inviting."

I was so hard that I thought my cock was now even bigger than my 8".

He opened the next.

This one showed her from behind. Her tit flesh was seen from both sides of her body from behind too. Her bigger left tit was even more visible than the right.

Her ass crack was visible under the see-through white panty and was great. The small fabric could not hide her cheeks of course and the majority of her ass flesh was out of the panty.

She unfortunately developed some cellulite on her hips as well as some on her ass cheeks. I understood that cellulite is common for Turkish women after thirties, even though they are thin, as she was.

The size of her ass was perfect. Not too big and definitely not small either. But her ass was full of glimpses, not as smooth as her legs or tummy.

Maybe this was a natural result of her age and 2 kids, but still able to keep my erection at its best.

The next file opened showed her behind again, but her white small panty was down at her knees. I could see her naked ass very well this time. Her legs were separated as much as the panty at her knees allowed, and she was bending over slightly to let her breasts fall down.

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