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Would You Pose

One of the more enjoyable parts of being Head of Security in a luxury apartment complex was the people watching. I got to see all kinds of different people come and go about their daily lives. Most stopped by to at least say a hello and indulge in some brief chit chat. One of the tenants I had noticed but rarely spoke to was Eve. She was in her mid twenties, slim with small breasts. She had brown hair and blue eyes and always dressed a little funky. I never found her to be particularly attractive but she seemed nice.

I would often see Eve with a much older man who appeared to be in his 50's. It was clear that there was some type of romantic relationship. They would both say hello in passing but rarely stuck around for much else.

One day Eve stopped by the lobby security desk with another woman. Gretta was a tall blond with a really shapely body and green eyes. Apparently she was visiting from Providence and she and Eve made small talk. It was clear to me that Eve was making a point of introducing us. During the course of conversation Eve told me that Gretta was a friend of hers and that they were both in the same photography class at Boston University. Rather than drive back to Providence Gretta was going to stay over at Eve's the days that they had class. Eve told me if I saw Gretta I should go ahead and buz her in at any time. So after a few more minutes of conversation they headed off to Eve's place. I watched Gretta's shapely ass walk away and hoped that I might get a chance to tap that someday.

Over the next few weeks I would see the two women come in from class together and they would stop to talk for a few minutes. The main topic of discussion was what they were learning in their class. Gretta actually already had a photography studio in Providence and worked professionally but was taking the class to help branch out in her work. Every time they stopped by I was sure I saw a twinkle in Gretta's eye that told me we would definitely get naked some time together. Eve was always as platonic as ever.

On particular night they both came in and were giggling a bit when I asked them how class went. Turns out that they had nude models that day and were commenting on how beautiful it was. We talked for a few more minutes before they headed up to Eve's place.

A few hours later they both came down to the lobby and I could tell that something was on their mind. They made a little small talk and then Eve hit on the main reason for their visit. They had an assignment to submit some nude photographs for their class and wanted to know if I would consider posing for them? I was a bit taken aback. This wasn't something that I had ever considered and asked them for more information. They explained that tit would be in all black and white. They were asking me because they thought I had a nice body.

Of course I was intrigued by the proposition and Gretta's eyes were practically begging for me to say yes. After thinking about it and enduring the gentle pleading of the ladies I finally agreed. We chose a day about a week later when none of us had classes. I remember this date very clearly for reasons that will become apparent but it was May 10, 1977. The girls told me to be at Eve's apartment at about 11:00 in the morning and they would have everything all set to go.

I awoke on the morning of May 10 to find that Boston had suffered a freak snow storm overnight! There looked like there was at least 6 inches of snow on the ground. I got out of bed, showered and dressed and headed to Eve's apartment.

The ladies met me at the door and welcomed me with a cup of coffee. Eve had a two bedroom apartment and the second bedroom was where we would do the photography. After a few minutes of chit chat we headed into the room. They had lights set up and cameras on tri-pods, it looked like the whole thing was on the up and up. A little nervously I disrobed and headed over to the bed.

For the next half hour the women told me how they wanted me posed and I did my best to please them. I was 6' tall and about 175 pounds of muscle then so I wasn't ashamed of my body. Finally they told me that it was time for a break.

During the break they talked about various things that were Greek to me. F-Stop settings? Finally Eve came over to me and told me that they really appreciated me modeling for them and that I was doing great. "There's only one tiny thing we'd like to change for the next set." She said.

She paused and continued, "We'd um, like to um, see if we can um, get some shots with um you er, um, erect." She looked down at the floor the whole time and was obviously very embarrassed. I was a little embarrassed too but then an idea popped into my mind.

"I can do that ladies," I said helpfully, "But I would need a little help."

There were several moments of silence before Eve mumbled, "What er, um kind of help?"

I looked her in the eyes and told her that it was very intimidating being the only naked person in that room and that I would really be uncomfortable trying to get and maintain and erection with them fully clothed. "Fair is fair ladies." I continued "If I can get naked in front of you two I don't see any reason why you can't get naked in front of me."

The two of them huddled together in whispered conversation and then came back. Eve agreed that they would take their clothes off but at the same time reminded me that this was art and not some "sick fantasy." I told her that I understood. She nodded and then reached to pull her sweater over her head.

In just a few minutes they were both as nude as I was. Naked Eve wasn't much more attractive to me than she was with clothes on. She had small uneven breasts with tiny nipples, slim hips and a big brown bush. Although I usually like small breasted women I didn't feel much attraction to her.

Gretta on the other hand was really beautiful to behold. Her blonde hair was loosed and felt just below her shoulders. Her full heavy breasts hung proudly and fully. Her pink areolas were the size of silver dollars and were capped with nipples that looked like pencil erasers. Her waist pulled sharply in and then flared to display true woman hips. She had trimmed her bush back so that I could see that she wasn't a true blonde, light brown was the color, and that she had a very nice set of pussy lips peeking through the rough. Looking at her I started to get hard.

The ladies encouraged me to get back up on the bed and start posing again. As they moved around me I got glimpses of their pussies and bouncing breasts but my main focus was on Gretta's body. Before long I had a respectable but not raging erection.

After a few shots Eve once again spoke up. "Can you get it bigger/"

I reached down and began to stroke myself to greater hardness and once I achieved my full growth they clicked more pictures. But I was finding it hard to concentrate and before too long I had softened.

I could tell that Eve was getting ready to pipe up again so this time I looked at them and then at my softened cock and simply said, "I could use a little help here!"

They both looked at each other and I heard Eve whisper, "you know I can't!' Gretta finally moved away from Eve and came over to the bed. I was standing there on the bed and Gretta's head was right about at the level of my crotch.

She reached up with her left hand and carefully wrapped it around my cock and started stroking me. The whole time she just stared at my cock as she gently pumped me. I heard the click of the camera and realized that Eve was taking more pictures. Gretta didn't seem to notice.

As I grew to full size I started to leak some precum and Gretta just continued to pump and stare. Suddenly she leaned forward, her tongue moved out from between her lips and she licked the head of my cock. She seemed to savor the taste for just a moment and then slid the head of my cock in between her lips. I glanced at Eve but her face was hidden behind the camera and she just kept shooting pictures.

Instinctively I reached down and began to play with her breasts and nipples. She moaned at my touch and sucked a little harder. One hand stayed to pull at one of her hard nipples and the other came back up behind her head. I pulled her closer, sinking my cock deeper into her mouth. Slowly I began to fuck her mouth.

I was really getting to enjoy the sensation when Eve spoke up again, "Take it out of your mouth so I can get a good shot of it!"

Gretta pulled me out of her mouth but kept her hand pumping me.

"Now look up at him while you pump his cock!" Eve instructed.

Gretta looked into my eyes with half opened eyes and parted lips as she pumped my cock. She looked incredibly beautiful.

Eve essentially took over and had us perform various positions and poses. I had the pleasure of tasting Gretta's hot pussy while the camera clicked away. I fucked her doggie style while pulling her hair as the camera clicked away. She straddled me and fucked herself up and down on my cock while the camera clicked. When she finally came the camera caught that too.

I was fucking Gretta's big tits, the head of my cock occasionally penetrating her lips, when I realized that there was no sound of the camera clicking. I glanced over and could see that Eve had put the camera down. She was slumped in a chair watching us. One hand played with her nipples and the other was frantically rubbing her pussy. This was the first time I had found her remotely attractive. The faster she stroked, the faster I fucked Gretta's tits and mouth. Eve started to moan and it was obvious that she was reaching orgasm. That set me off and I began to cum on Gretta's tits. She lifted her head up so that I could slide inside her mouth and she caught most of the sperm.

With that I collapsed on top of Gretta.

That was the end of the pictures for the day. We all got dressed again and Eve popped open a bottle of wine. We sipped and talked about the experience. Eve explained that she was a "kept woman." Her married older boyfriend paid all of her bills and gave her spending money but she had to agree not to have sex with anyone else. That's why she couldn't join in.

We finished the wine and I got ready to head back to my apartment. I told the ladies that I was intending to grab a good nap. Gretta's grabbed my hand and asked if she could join me. So off we went to my apartment. We didn't get much napping done.

The ladies got an "A" for their assignment although it didn't include much of the footage with Gretta and me. I got a full set of pictures. Whenever Gretta came to visit she would stop by my apartment for a quickie but she never asked for anything more. When the semester was over she stopped by and gave me a great blow job, said good bye and I never saw her again.

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