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Writing Lessons

Jennifer left her desk at lunchtime. She did not plan to eat today; rather she wanted to write another story for her lover. She wanted to wander the hallways of her school to let her mind jump with ideas. She had done so many things to him when they were in school together she thought the hallways would kindle memories that would help. Idly she slipped into the backstage area, sitting behind the closed curtains, mind going back to when she was in school.

The plays flooded back to her, a smile slyly starting. She was about to go when she head whispers, a girls giggling. Silently she stood and peered around the corner. She could see two students entwined in a passionate kiss, tongues probing. They clutched at each other as only someone feeling arousal for the first time can. Naturally she started to raise her voice and let them know she was here. She did not plan to punish them, just send them back to class.

Jennifer opened her mouth then stopped, her eyes drawn to the girl's hand as it slipped down his lean body. With no prompting from the boy she latched her small hand on his cock, outlined clearly in his jeans. Fascinated Jennifer saw his head snap down, hands reach for her breasts. She watched as they ground their hips harder and harder, dry humping, his hands now on her ass. Without thought her fingers were at her own crotch, pressing thru her clothes that hard pebble, the moistness apparent even now. His hands slipped under her skirt. In the darkness their profile was clear, his hands now kneading her cheeks, then his hand slipping to the front.

Jennifer could make out the bulge in the girls panties as his fist pleasured her, his fingers slipping in and out. The girls head was laid on his chest, eyes closed as she purred her desire, hips pistoning, faster and faster. He pulled his hand out suddenly, her eyes darting open in surprise. He then slipped to his knees, hands raking the panties to her ankles. He plunged his head between her stretched legs, her hands holding his hair as she rode his lips to orgasm, her legs straddling his shoulders, hi Jennifer now had her own hand in her cunt, her left hand holding her skirt up, her right now fucking herself, the wet sounds of her fingers sawing in and out causing her to tremble.

She tried to remain silent but as her own orgasm crested just after the girls she saw the teenagers eyes lock onto her. She started to scream and jump but his face was still buried in her pussy, hands locking her down. She also then noticed Jennifer's hand, now shiny wet in her own pussy. Eyes still bound to each other the girl relaxed a little, then began to smile as she rode his face harder and harder. Jennifer now heard her urging him on, telling him she loved him, how good he was making her feel, harder...faster.

She peaked again, falling to her own knees, kissing his face, licking her juices from him. She leaned in, whispered in his ear. Jennifer saw her pull his jeans off, placing him where he could not see her but he was plain to her eyes. The girl's hands supporting her she leaned over, her eyes now never leaving Jennifer, opened her mouth and licked his throbbing cock. She stroked him, drawing out his pre-cum, eyes burning Jennifer as she cleaned him, Jennifer's own mouth now open, watering for her own taste, fingers back in her cunt. She had three fingers buried in, her left hand now rubbing her clit, slapping at it.

The girl now bobbed her head up and down on the cock, tongue stopping to swirl over the head sometimes, her small hand barely reaching around his shaft. Jennifer watched her cheeks balloon out as he shot his sticky cum in her mouth, watched her eyes now close as she drank his cum. Jennifer wondered what he tasted like, ...had she done this before,... or was this her first time feeling that thick load sliding down her throat...? Her hands still stroked him up and down, his hardon never waning. The girl now stood, feet on either side of his hips. She reached under her skirt, sliding her panties down slowly, teasing him. As she reached her feet she leaned over, knees still locked and kissed him, her ass high in the air. The globes of her ass were so tan, no lines Jennifer noted, realizing this display was for her. The boy fumbled with the condom he had pulled from his pants, finally slipping it over his now painfully hard again cock.

Not breathing now, hands still, Jennifer watched as the girl squatted down, legs bending at the knees. Her legs spread so far apart. She stopped as Jennifer zeroed in on her lips, now just touching the head of the prick. Slowly, so slowly she settled on him. Jennifer watched her mouth open in a smile as she sucked him in, her labia spreading apart, his cock filling her. Finally full she started fucking him. Her pace was slow at first, then more frantic as she got closer.

Jennifer again dug her fingers in, the fourth finger now easily sliding into her greased slit, her hunger deep, deep... She pumped her sloppy cunt in the same time as her hips, both women reaching orgasm at the same time, cries now intermingled. The girl collapsed on his chest, breathing fast, Jennifer settled back farther in the darkness, tears sliding down her cheeks. The boy stood, condom still attached to his prick, now full of his semen. Giggling again she reached for him and slid it off with a snap! Jennifer saw her carefully lay it down, nothing spilled as they dressed in a hurry. Their eyes locked one last time as they parted, the pair rushing off to class, Jennifer now walking to the spot where they had just lain. Jennifer went to her knees, still able to smell their sex.

She picked up the rubber carefully, looking at the pool of cum still contained in. She could smell her so clearly. She tilted her head back, open mouthed like a bird, tongue outstretched, spilling the still hot contents in her mouth. She held it there, tasting him, rolling the semen around her tongue, cumming once more as she felt it slide bit by bit down her throat, sharing this most intimate act with a girl she did not even know. Sated she now had her story for him, but would he believe her?

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