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World of Warcraft

My brother is 18 and bought World of Warcraft last fall and showed me how to play. In this game you are online with lots of other people and create characters that you dress up and explore a make believe world. I am married 22 and live in Florida with my husband Jim who travels a lot and this game has become a get away for me. I have two friends Nancy and Trish who live in near by apartments and we often spend all day together. Guys mostly play this game and you can scantily dress your characters and hang out with them chatting and having fun. One day, while we were on Trish's computer, Nancy challenged that each time I died in the game I would have to take off a piece of clothing and tell the people I was playing with what was happening.

At first every thing went well and I was hanging out with one of the guys helping him with his quest and I we got mobbed by computer characters and die. Nancy immediately unbuttons my top and types on the key board for the guy to know what happened. Most guys that play this game think that only guys play the game and just go along as if a guy is playing a girl character.

Things went from bad to worse as I got killed again trying to recover my body, which was surrounded by other computer, characters. Nancy has me stand up and down come my shorts and I'm setting in Trish's apartment in my bra and skimpy thong.

Well its 11 am and we've been playing this game for an hour and Trish decides to order pizza delivery. The computer sits right in the living room and I'm thinking the deliveryman is going to get a good look at me. When he does come Trish invites him and tells him our bet and ask me for some change. I reach for my purse and you guessed it my character meets her end and before I could even protest, Trish has the deliveryman undo my bra and keep it as his tip. I've got 36c breasts so he got an eye full and my face had to be as red as it ever had been. The girls were laughing it up and I was able to get my character going again and got to town to take a break.

There are two types of servers on this game. One is player verses computer and the other is player verses player. It just so happened that one of the Orcs (the other side) decides to gank me and I'm dead again and standing up so that they can pull my thong off.

I left the computer and grabbed a piece of pizza and saw that Nancy had Trish's digital camera out snapping pictures of me eating pizza on the couch. I started to get upset, but thought I trust these guys to embarrass me, but not really create problems and started to pose for her.

We drank a few more beers and the girls had fun telling the other game players the story. This was going along well until an air force guy playing the game decided to dance with my character. I dance back and the girls had me undress my online character as well and the guy did the same thing to his character. He showed me how to make my character touch, feel and act more real on the screen and I realized that I was becoming aroused. He would make a move and I would make a move and like phone sex I was becoming very horny. Not missing an opportunity to embarrass me further the girls told him they would physically carry out his wishes and soon they were mauling my breasts and grabbing my ass. He asked them if they had a dildo and sure enough Trish runs to the bedroom and brings back the biggest one I have ever seen.

They pull out the chair so I'm standing at my key board and start ramming it in to me. Soon I'm having a hard time spelling and my language is becoming very graphic to the guy on line. I could not believe what had happened and have never told my husband, but we play this game every day now. I almost feel attached to the guy I've never met but knew how to role play.

The other girls play their characters too, so don't be surprised if you play this game I run into you on one of the game servers.

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