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Worth Waiting For

I found you lying there on the bed, asleep. I'd taken too long taking care of other things that keep me apart from you. I like being with you. I like the way you make me feel. It's comfortable, like worn jeans and a cotton sweater on a laughing Sunday afternoon. My hair out of the way, but paint smeared upon my smiling face. Except with you, you make me smolder so I leave off my panties and my bra so I can feel the touch of the clothing move against my nakedness while I try to restrain myself from touching you. I'm hoping you'll stand behind me and kiss my neck. Slide your hands up underneath as you cup my breasts, twisting my tender nipples as you seduce me yet again. I'm hoping we keep it that way.

You look so peaceful. I'm surprised you aren't cold lying on top of the bed that way. I lean against the door so I can take you in without restraint and hope that you won't wake. You're body sinks into the softness of the bed, your left arm above you, your face relaxed, your right arm lax and your hand resting upon your stomach just above your hardening member. Tanned, firm lines grace your entire body. You are absolutely glorious. You love being naked and don't even realize it is a gift to the heavens for you to wander about unclothed. Lucky me. I feel myself swell, heat building, nipples hardening. One day I'll recreate your body out of clay, just exactly this way.

I'm trying to decide if it's right or wrong to slide quietly between your legs and take you in my mouth while you slumber. I wonder if I could do it in such a way you wouldn't wake at all? I like the way you look. You look full, heavy, like you need release to me. You're hard, but I could take your further. The veins course through your length, wrap around your width like vines. You must be thinking of something that arouses you, and of course I hope it's always me, yet it isn't free reign.

I'd like to take warm oil and cover your body in it, taking in every quiver, every stretch, hear you sigh in relief. I love the way it feels to be slippery and wet in your arms. The way you look into my eyes when I'm most excited, and how powerful it makes you feel for me to completely let go at your touch again and again. I want the kisses of your mouth to fill me like Solomon's wine.

Sometimes it is the simple things in this life that are finest. I don't need a lot; a purpose, my children, the love of a good man. The way we put a meal together, or make something beautiful together, or the way we comfort one another. It makes me feel whole. Even amidst pure chaos there is a constant sort of connection and flow that I feel and it's just good.

My feet are silent on the carpet as I come near you. I hear your steady breathing, can smell your perfume, that smell that is just you. Though I'm drawn to you, I don't want to disturb you, demand too much. So I take a comforter off the seat. As I lean forward to gently cover you with it so you won't chill, my breasts sway heavily towards you, yearning but denied. Covered, I'm safe from my obsessive desire for you for the time being, and my passion for you makes me smile at your sleeping face. The room is darkening so I don't risk the clatter of blinds and you deeply sigh. I'm happy in your contentedness and abandon you to your slumber. As I go there are many things that still need to be done and I start cataloguing them in my head. We're alone, but not for long. I'm almost to the door when I hear you say, "Leave me alone and I'll slide you over my knees Naughty Girl. Come to me."

I stop at the sound of your voice, of course. You're so funny and sexy and I love what you've just said. While I was trying to behave and not wake you up, I'm hardly disappointed that you have. I turn my head and say, "Naughty?!? I'll show you naughty." Smiling at you, my eyes sparkle at your smiling face. I walk back to the side of the bed. "What exactly is it that you want?"

You reach for my hand and I give it. "You."

"Yeah I want you too."

"Good. Take of your clothes and show me how you want me." and you release my hand so I'll do your bidding.

"Like this?" I say as I lift my sweater a bit and slide towards the button of my jeans, loosen it and slowly unzip. Suddenly it's clear I've been sans panties all afternoon and you laughingly say "My, my, my you are the naughty girl today." I drop my jeans to the floor and step out of them as my response. The air of the room is a contrast to my heat and moistness and I suppose I ought to have some kind of shame for being so absolutely wanton about my desire for you, but there's none to be found. I start to climb on the bed to get under the covers with you, but you hasten me to wait, "No, kneel right there, just like that picture that I like." I stop, on my knees, legs slightly apart left more out to the side than the right and balance." "Okaaaaay" I say a little hesitantly. You lift my sweater up, "What is this anyway? This is just going to have to go." And then remove it while I laugh at your demeanor. When my sweater is off your eyes have taken a little more serious tone and you take my face in your hands and kiss me long and slow. I'm jelly, spaghetti kneed, warm mush at your touch. Your hands travel down my arms, one settling in the small of my back the other just exactly where I live for you. You barely touch me, a small gasp escapes me "This, is going to be mine one day very, very soon."

I've been waiting so very long for that day and while I think it's well worth the wait to have what I want with you be safe and secure and full of trust and warmth, my body has become so attuned to you that I just simply and unexpectedly explode within and my release is expressed by my hands reaching for you, a shudder and my resting my head on your shoulder. "Oh Philip, you drive me insane." I say breathlessly. "Oh, my kitten, THAT was amazing." As you kiss me again and again I am shaking with desire.

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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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