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Yacht Club Show Offs 2

Then I said, "Boyfriend, huh?"

Mindy smiled and said, "Yeah...he doesn't want me sleeping around with other guys, but he said I can have as many girls on the side as I want," as she slipped her fingers under the waistband of my panties and tickled my butt crack.

I said, "Mindy, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not a lesbian."

Mindy said, "But I saw you touching your friend's pussy."

I said, "We were just playing around."

Mindy confidently said, "That's how it always starts," as she pushed her hand further into my panties.

I gulped and said, "Um,'re touching my pussy!"

Mindy whispered into my ear, "Yes, I'm touching your pussy, but you're not a lesbian. That means you wouldn't like it if I did this."

My knees buckled as she used her fingertip to separate the slit between my legs and began sliding her finger back and forth between my pussy lips. When she began massaging my little clitty, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

Mindy said, "You feel like you're pretty wet down there. Are you sure you're not a lesbian?"

I said, "I don't know what I am. I just know I'm drunk and I don't want you to stop!"

Mindy actually inserted her finger inside me and my whole body quivered as I watched my naked friend play tug-of-war with a black thong on the dance floor.

I asked, "Is this place always so wild?"

Mindy replied, "It wouldn't be Saturday night if the girls weren't naked. However, it's usually the same old crowd so everyone's really excited that you and your friend added some new bodies to the party."

Then Mindy pulled her hand out of my panties and I yelped, "What are you doing? Don't stop now!"

Mindy replied, "Your friend looks like she could use some clothes," and then she pulled down the zipper on my mini skirt."

I squeaked, "Wait a minute. What am I supposed to use for clothes?"

Mindy replied, "It shouldn't bother you. You're wearing panties."

She unzipped my skirt and I stepped out of it, and then Mindy said, "There, you look like you're wearing a shirt-dress."

I shrieked, "This shirt doesn't come down far enough to cover my panties," but Mindy wasn't listening.

She merely headed for the dance floor with my mini skirt in her hand.

I thought to myself, "I'll bet everyone is looking at me right now," as I held one hand over the front of my panties and the other over the back."

Then I looked behind me and found that I was right. There were three men sitting at a table right behind me. They all smiled and waved, so I figured they'd been watching Mindy and I the whole time. I turned crimson red as I stood there with half of my see-through panties showing.

On the dance floor, Holly had finally destroyed Paula's thong, so there was nothing left for Holly to do except stand there and try to hide from the crowd. Someone gave Paula back her dress and she stepped into it, leaving Holly as the only naked girl on the dance floor. Holly stood there red-faced with a hand over each breast and one leg in front of the other in an attempt to hide her shaved pussy from the crowd.

Then Mindy showed up on the dance floor with my mini skirt. Holly quickly stepped into my skirt and Mindy slid the skirt up Holly's legs. Mindy had trouble getting it zipped because Holly is slightly larger around the middle than me, but she was eventually able to work the zipper all the way up the back and Holly was at least halfway protected from the audience.

Holly was standing next to the dance floor with her arms folded across her chest as the perky blonde came up to her and said, "Let's dance!"

Holly screamed, "Dance? I can't dance! I don't have a top on."

The blonde quickly whipped off her yellow T-shirt, threw it into the crowd and said, "Neither do I. Now let's dance!"

Holly's face was bright red as the blonde dragged her out onto the dance floor. With the crowd cheering her on, Holly reluctantly dropped her arms and eventually started dancing. Paula decided to dance, too, and ventured out onto the dance floor with the other girls.

The little blonde instigator looked over at Paula and said, "Sorry, you have to be topless to dance tonight."

Then the blonde moved in front of Paula and began rolling her strapless knit dress down.

Paula yelled, "Be careful. I'm not wearing any panties," but that didn't stop the blonde.

She rolled Paula's dress down past her bellybutton, and then she turned to the crowd and asked, "Is that low enough?"

The guys yelled, "Lower, lower," so the blonde rolled the dress down a little further.

Now Paula was the one getting embarrassed because the guys were yelling, "Lower! We want to see more skin!"

The perky blonde rolled Paula's dress down until Paula's thick dark bush came into view.

Paula pushed the blonde away and said, "That's far enough! My pussy hair's starting to show."

Of course the crowd wanted to see more, but Paula wouldn't go any further. The top of Paula's hairy triangle was on display and almost an inch of Paula's butt crack was showing in back, too. Paula demonstrated a lot of courage though, because she went ahead and danced without adjusting her dress.

Then the brunette that lost her bra earlier in the evening strutted onto the dance floor and said, "Topless dancing? I'm in!"

The guys cheered as the brunette slipped her purple sweater over her head. As the girls danced together, they let it all hang loose and there were bouncing boobs everywhere. Soon three other girls shed their tops and started dancing, too.

Then a man asked his wife to go out and join the girls on the dance floor. The woman was an extremely attractive brunette in her forties.

She smiled nervously, bit her lip and asked, "Do you really want me to dance topless?"

Another guy answered, "Hell yes, Brenda! We've been waiting forever to get a look at your tits!"

Brenda blushed and asked her husband, "Are you sure you want all our friends to see my boobs?"

Her husband answered, "Yes...without a doubt," and then he began unzipping Brenda's dress.

Brenda looked really nervous and embarrassed as she removed her own bra, but her embarrassment intensified when she discovered that her silky dress wouldn't stay on with the top hanging open. She tried to zip her dress up, but her husband urged her to try and dance with the dress unzipped. As expected, when Brenda let go of her dress it quickly slid down, which made the crowd cheer.

Brenda said to her husband, "Honey, I can't do this. My dress keeps falling off."

Her husband urged, "Just try it one more time for me, okay?"

She shyly said, "Alright," and reluctantly walked back out onto the dance floor.

The beautiful brunette tried to dance again, but this time she wasn't fast enough to catch her dress when it slid down and the silky dress dropped all the way to the floor. It was now clear why she didn't want to lose her dress. All she had on underneath was a pair of high-cut super sheer black panties. Everyone could see her soft brown bush through the front of the panties and the small strip of material that went up the back barely covered her butt crack.

Her husband quickly confiscated her dress, so Brenda was forced to continue dancing in just her sheer black panties. Her big boobs hung a little low, but she had a fantastic ass and she was a big hit with the crowd. Her husband was proud of his wife as he high-fived his friends while his wife nervously exposed her body to their friends for the very first time.

Mindy came up to me and said, "Your friend looks like she's having a good time now, so why don't we go sit down and have a drink together."

She led me to a table in the back corner and asked the waitress to bring us a couple of drinks.

I said, "Mindy, I don't know if I should have anything else to drink. I'm already feeling overheated from my last drink."

Mindy said, "Overheated? Aw you poor sweet little girl. Let me help you get comfortable."

Mindy started unbuttoning my blouse, so I giggled and I asked, "Mindy, what are you doing?"

Mindy replied, "Cooling you off."

I said, "But you're unbuttoning my shirt...and we're in a bar!"

Mindy said, "It's not a bar, it's a private club, and this kind of thing goes on every weekend."

I didn't think Mindy would unfasten every button on my blouse, but that's exactly what she did. After unbuttoning my blouse, Mindy pulled my shirt apart so that my bra and panties were right out in the open for everyone to see.

I begged, "Mindy, my underwear is practically transparent. Can't I keep my shirt on?"

Mindy replied, "No, I need to cool you off."

Then Mindy began caressing my taut belly and I said, "You're not cooling me off. You're getting me hotter!"

That was the wrong thing to say because Mindy responded, "Hotter? If you're hotter, then you must be wearing too much clothing!"

Then Mindy smiled at me mischievously and I knew exactly what she wanted to do next.

I pleaded, "Oh no, Mindy. Please, no...not my panties. Please don't pull my panties down!"

Mindy said, "Sorry, girl. I want you to be comfortable, so the panties have to go."

She proceeded to hook her fingers inside the waistband of my skimpy underpants. Mindy was sliding my panties down my legs and in my drunken state, I felt powerless to stop her. She wasted no time pulling my little undies off and for the first time in my life, I was bottomless in a public place.

Mindy gently pushed my legs apart so that my auburn pussy hair was fully exposed, and then she said, "There now, doesn't that feel better?"

I giggled nervously and said, "Mindy, I don't know about this. There are men all over the place and I don't have any pants on," but Mindy tried to put my mind at ease by combing her fingernails through my neatly trimmed bush.

Mindy continued teasing the soft hair between my legs as she said, "You have such a pretty, pretty pussy. It would be a shame to hide it."

I whimpered, "But Mindy, the men...what about the men? There's a group of them right over there and they're stretching their necks out to get a glimpse of what we're doing back here."

Mindy said, "Those men are too far away. I'll prove it. I'll take the rest of your clothes off and we'll see if they come back here to get a closer look."

As I sat there with my pussy right out in the open, I shrieked, "Come back here? You're going to pull all my clothes off and tempt the men to come back here? Mindy, I'm not comfortable with this!"

Mindy chuckled and said, "I know, I know. You're not comfortable. That's why I started pulling your clothes off in the first make you more comfortable!"

I said, "No, Mindy, that's not what I meant by uncomfortable. I meant being naked in a room full of men would make me uncomfortable. In fact, I'd be totally humiliated," but Mindy ignored me.

She slipped my blouse the rest of the way off, and then she unhooked my bra. My legs were spread and my bra was dangling from my shoulders as Mindy put my blouse and panties on the table across the aisle from us. Mindy was about to reach for my bra when I heard a man clear his throat. I looked up and the bartender was standing right over me with our drinks.

I immediately put my hands over my pussy, which caused my bra to fall down my arms. Now my nipples were poking out and the bartender was looking right at them. Then he slowly set our drinks down on the table and in his bent over position, he was getting an even closer look at my naked young body.

Mindy asked, "So how are you doing tonight, Chuck?"

He said, "Oh, you know. It's Saturday night so we're pretty busy."

As my whole body turned red from embarrassment, Mindy asked the bartender, "Were you able to go boating today?"

I whispered in Mindy's ear, "Why are you making small talk with this guy? I'm totally naked here! Can't you get rid of him?"

Mindy giggled and said, "I'm sorry, Chuck. As you can see, my friend here doesn't have any clothes on and she's a little bashful about it. Would you please put this on my boyfriend's tab?"

He said, "As you wish," and slowly turned to walk away, but the bartender looked back several times on his way to the bar.

I pinched Mindy on the arm and said, "That was really embarrassing! Why did you have to point out that I was naked?"

Mindy laughed out loud as she tweaked my nipples and said, "I'm pretty sure he found that out all by himself. Besides, I was just having a little fun."

Mindy continued to play with my bare breasts as I asked, "So, what did you order?"

She said, "Tequila shots with beer chasers. Drink up!"

Mindy slipped my bra all the way off and set it on the table across the aisle with the rest of my clothes. I was now bare-assed naked in a room full of people, and the girl that duped me out of my clothes was still wearing every bit of her outfit. It was clearly a sign that I'd had too much to drink. However, Mindy insisted that I have one more, so we toasted each other and downed our shots.

After the shot and a big gulp of beer, I sat back and said, "Its official. I'm wasted."

Mindy said, "But the night's not over yet," as she leaned over and started kissing my pert nipples.

I asked, "Mindy, are you sure no one can see us back here?"

She said, "No."

I asked, " one can see us, or're not sure?"

Mindy merely pushed my legs apart and said, "Don't worry. Just sit back and enjoy it."

Mindy began kissing and teasing my stiff nipples. As she kissed one nipple, she would roll the other nipple between her thumb and forefinger. It made me tingle all over, but I really got excited when Mindy reached down between my legs, parted my tender pussy lips with her fingertip and began working her finger in and out of my pleasure place. It felt so good that I wanted to scream. Mindy definitely knew her way around a girl's pussy and I was the beneficiary of that knowledge.

While sliding her finger in and out of my tight wet pussy, Mindy kneeled down between my legs and began licking my little clitty. I'd never been with a girl before, but one thing was for sure...she was better than any guy I'd even been with! Mindy's tongue was going around and around on my love button as her finger pushed in and out, in and out, and I was beginning to feel my body tense up all over.

Mindy continued her assault on my little clitty with her tongue as she began making little circles inside of me with her finger. She used her other hand to tweak and tease my nipples, and then she reached underneath me and started tickling my sensitive butt crack, which really enhanced my pleasure. I could feel the intense pressure building up inside of me and I knew something great was about to happen.

I started breathing heavily as I moaned, "Oh Mindy, that feel's so good, so good. Please don't stop."

Mindy whispered, "Don't hold back. Let it happen."

I moaned, "Oh it's gonna happen alright. I can feel it. It feels so good!"

My body tensed up and then the floodgates opened. I moaned loudly and almost screamed as I experienced the most explosive orgasm I'd ever felt before. Soon I couldn't take it anymore and Mindy let me sit back and relax, but she continued to caress my bare skin as my body shuttered from orgasm aftershocks.

As I sat there with my eyes closed trying to regain my composure, I heard a man's voice ask, "Mind if we join you?"

I opened my eyes and standing right in front of me was Mindy's boyfriend, along with two other men. Mindy was fully clothed, but I was completely naked and my clothes were on a table across the aisle, far from my reach.

I thought Mindy would get rid of them, but instead, she gave me a mischievous grin and said, "We don't mind if you join us. In fact, we'd love some company."

I nervously said, "No we don't. We don't want company," but Mindy said, "Sure we do. Pull up a chair, boys," and then the three men eagerly took a seat at our table.

I was terrified as I cupped a hand over each breast and crossed my legs in an attempt to hide my auburn pussy hair from the men's view, but Mindy wouldn't let me sit still. She made a point to introduce me to each man and insisted that I shake hands with them. I was forced to get up and reach across the table so that I could shake hands with each man.

I kept an arm across my chest as I shook their hands, but it felt like one of my breasts was left uncovered. I looked down and I was right. One of my nipples was fully exposed for the men to gaze at. I was also forced to put my hairy triangle on view as I got up to reach across the table. After shaking each of their hands, I quickly sat down, crossed my legs and put my hands on my breasts.

I whispered, "Um, Mindy. Did you forget that I was naked?"

Mindy looked at me and loudly said, "Oh yeah. Here you are completely naked and a group of men are sitting right across from you. How embarrassing! I'm really sorry. I forgot to give you back your clothes."

I sarcastically said, "Yeah, right!"

Mindy chuckled and said, "Well, don't worry. The guys don't mind if you're naked, do you guys?"

The guys all said, "Of course not. In fact, we're very happy that you're naked."

I nervously giggled at the guys and said, "I'm sure you are very happy that I'm totally nude, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm still embarrassed beyond belief!"

Then Mindy said, "Okay, it looks like having all these men staring at you is making you uncomfortable. Maybe you'd feel better if you put your shirt on."

I sarcastically said, "You think?"

However, at that moment, my topless friend showed up and said, "So here you are. I've been looking all over for you. Hey...if you're not wearing this shirt, I'd like to put it on," and before I could utter a word, Holly scooped up my blouse and took off with it.

Mindy giggled and said, "Well, at least you still have your underwear."

The men added, "But you don't want to put those on, do you?"

Mindy answered, "Of course she doesn't"

I meekly said, "Yes I do...I really do. I want to put my underwear on," but everyone pretended not to hear me.

Then the bartender came over and I said, "Oh great, another man's here to see me in the nude."

Mindy said, "It is great! He's got shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey."

The bartender said, "Who's ready for pussy shots?"

Everyone said, "I am," except for me.

I asked Mindy, "What are pussy shots and why do I have the sinking feeling they involve me?"

She replied, "Because they do involve you. Hop up on the table and I'll show you what a pussy shot is."

I shrieked, "Hop up on the table? Are you crazy? Why don't you go first?"

Mindy replied, "Don't be silly. I'm not naked."

Then Mindy took me by the hand as I pleaded, "No, please no, Mindy. Don't make me do this. I've been humiliated enough tonight."

Mindy said, "Oh, come on. It'll be fun!"

The men pushed two tables together, and then Mindy helped me climb up and lay flat on the tables as the guys took a seat right next to me.

I said, "Mindy, these tables are so narrow that I feel like I'm going to fall off."

Mindy pushed my hands down by my sides and said, "You can use your arms to steady yourself."

I shrieked, "But with my hands by my sides, I can't hide my breasts, my bush or anything. The men can see everything I've got!"

Mindy just grinned and stepped back from the table, leaving me lying there naked with the men sitting only inches away from me. With my arms at my sides, I couldn't protect my nudity from the men, so they were able to give my naked body an up-close and personal examination. They were so close to me that I could actually feel there breath on my bare skin, which gave me goose bumps. My legs were squeezed tightly together, but there was still plenty of my auburn bush peeking out, and my perky breasts were totally exposed to everyone.

I was already mortified, but my feelings of humiliation were intensified when I found out what a pussy shot was. The bartender placed a long shot glass between my legs, right up against my pussy lips, and then he filled the shot glass full of whiskey. Once the glass was full, they made me arch my back to raise the glass up and the first guy took the glass in his mouth without using his hands.

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