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Yacht Club Show Offs 3

When I said without using his hands, I meant without touching the shot glass. However, with my back arched, the man took the liberty of placing his hands on my bare butt to hold me up. It seemed to take forever as I felt the guy's nose brushing against my hairy triangle, but he finally took the shot glass from between my legs and drank it down. He even licked the glass to taste the wetness that my pussy lips left on the outside of the shot glass.

The second guy also used his hands to hold my bare ass up, but he took it a step further. When he put the shot glass in his mouth, he started moving it up and down against my moist pussy lips. As embarrassed as I was, all the excitement was making my pussy wet and the stimulation was actually sending chills up my spine. I could feel my puffy pink nipples stiffening and I was certain that everyone could see them poking out in front of me. The second man finally took the glass from between my legs, but I could feel that a fire was beginning to burn inside of me.

The third guy was a cute old man wearing a sailor hat who had to be in his sixties. It was clear from the onset that he was not going to waste the opportunity of being this close to a naked twenty-one year old girl. When he placed the shot glass between my legs, he gently rubbed his finger against my pussy. He looked at me for a response, so I winked at him and licked my lips. I figured I'd let the old man have his fun.

The third man took even longer than the first two as he probed my butt hole and sniffed my pussy. He also pushed the shot glass down so far that it was below my little clitty. The man knew exactly what he was doing because he licked my love button several times as he worked his way down to get the shot glass.

The old man took the glass in his mouth and moved it up and down against my pussy lips like the previous guy had done, but this man did it for much longer. He did it long enough to get my juices flowing and I was afraid there was going to be pussy juice all over the glass when he pulled it out. I still hadn't even recovered from the orgasm Mindy gave me so the feeling of the glass rubbing against my bare beaver made my body shutter. The man finally removed the glass, but not before the aroma from my pussy filled the room.

When three more guys showed up, I said, "That's enough. I'm putting my underwear on whether you like it or not," and I began getting down off the table.

The old man in the sailor hat strategically sat at the end of the table, right in front of me. In order to place my foot on the floor, I had to spread my legs apart as far as they could possibly go. Then I spotted the old man at the end of the table and with his face right between my legs, I knew he had an unobstructed view of my pretty pink pussy lips.

I figured it was probably quite a thrill for the sixty year old man to have his face between the legs of a naked twenty-one year old girl, so I took my time getting down off the table. I slowly slid my other leg off the table to extend my beaver shot for as long as possible, and then I finally closed my legs and hopped down on the floor. I pushed my naked body through the crowd so I could get my underwear, but as I reached for my bra and panties, Mindy quickly grabbed my underwear away from me.

She said, "Here, let me help you put your underwear on. Hop up on the chair."

I screamed, "What? Hop up on the chair? You want me to hop up on the chair in front of all these men? Come on, Mindy. Have a heart. I'm naked. Haven't the men seen enough?"

Mindy looked at the smiles on the guy's faces and said, "They may have seen enough, but I think they want to see more. Now get up on the chair, unless you want to remain naked for the rest of the evening. See, I have your underwear and if you want it back, you'll have to let me help you put it on."

I was stark naked in front of six or seven men. Even worse was the fact that I was the only one naked in the group. Everyone else was fully clothed, including Mindy.

I said to Mindy, "You're evil, pure evil" as I stepped in front of the chair.

I was totally embarrassed as I climbed up onto the chair. Everyone was watching as I put a foot into each leg hole of my panties. Then Mindy began inching my panties up my legs at a turtle's pace.

As I held a hand over each breast, I begged, "Mindy, can't you go any faster?"

Mindy just ignored me, combed her fingers through my auburn bush and said, "Look guys...doesn't she have the prettiest pussy hair?"

As the guys all agreed, I yelled, "Mindy, stop it! Don't you understand? I'm naked...stark naked! Please pull my panties up."

Then I turned around to hide my pussy from the men, but pointing my bare ass at them caused Mindy to pause again.

Mindy began softly sliding her finger up and down my sensitive butt crack and said, "She's got a nice ass, too, don't you think guys?"

I was mortified because seven men, including the bartender, moved around me to get a closer look at my bare ass. Then things went from bad to worse as more people in the club noticed me and I was suddenly the center of attention. They all gathered around me, including Holly and the topless women, and my panties were still only halfway up my thighs.

I couldn't stand the humiliation any longer so I screamed, "Mindy, get your hand off my ass and pull my panties up!"

Finally Mindy obliged and pulled my skimpy underpants all the way up, but my breasts were still fully exposed.

Then the DJ cranked out a tune and one of the girls yelled, "Table dance!"

Seven or eight topless girls, including Holly, jumped up on the tables around me and started dancing. I was still embarrassed because the guys could see my auburn pussy hair through the ultra-thin fabric of my panties. There was also an inch or so of my butt crack showing, too. However, I wasn't as exposed as Holly.

Holly was still naked under the mini skirt and when she climbed up onto the table, the men could look right up her skirt. Since her pussy was shaved smooth and clean, the men had plenty to look at. Holly also had on my blouse, but it was completely unbuttoned down the front, allowing her big boobies to bounce free for the men to enjoy.

The beautiful brunette wearing only sheer black panties was dancing next to me and the men began putting dollar bills in her waistband. They were also taking the liberty of touching her butt crack and pussy hair as they stuffed money into her skimpy undies, but she didn't seem to mind at all. One man even put a dollar through the leg hole of her panties and rubbed his fingers right up against her pussy lips. All Brenda did was smile and spread her legs even wider apart as her husband cheered her on.

Then they turned to me and began doing the same thing. The men were stuffing money in every opening of my panties and I just continued dancing while giving the boys full access to my underpants. There were fingers tickling my butt crack and pussy hair, and that sixty year old man actually pushed his finger into my pleasure hole several times, but he stuffed a big wad of bills down the front of my panties when he was through.

The men were having fun lifting Holly's skirt as she danced above them on the table. They were getting a good look at her shaved beaver and bare ass, but since she wasn't wearing panties, the men had a difficult time giving her money. They were putting some money in the waistband of the mini skirt, but she wasn't doing as well as me.

Soon the DJ announced that it was closing time and everyone started moaning and groaning. As the women got down off the tables, it appeared that the evening was about to end. Mindy still had my bra and she made me stick my arms straight out so she could slip it on. It left my titties unprotected and Mindy seized the opportunity by squeezing my breasts and tweaking my nipples right in front of several men. Earlier in the evening it would have really embarrassed me, but by now everyone had already seen my bare boobs so it was no big deal.

As we left the bar, Holly and I got hugs from everyone, both men and women. Some of the men and almost all of the women patted me on my panty-clad butt. The women also had fun lifting Holly's mini skirt and putting their hands all over her bare ass. The people in the club really seemed to like us and they asked us to come back next weekend. Some of them even invited us to spend the night on their boat, but Holly and I declined.

When we got into the car, we quickly counted our money. Holly and I were pleasantly surprised to discover that the men weren't stuffing dollar bills into our waistbands. They were giving us tens and twenties. Holly made a hundred and seventy dollars, but with the help of the old man's wad of bills tucked into my panties, I made over three-hundred and fifty dollars! It was pretty good money for a couple of part-time minimum wage earning college girls.

I smiled at Holly and said, "Yeah, I think we can come back next weekend!"

Holly nodded and said, "Absolutely!"

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